Course image Current Issues in Nutrition | GMO's: What You Need to Know
Food and Nutrition

Current Issues In Nutrition Logo"Knowing where your food comes from" is a growing movement in the area of consumer nutrition.  Dr. Ruth MacDonald from Iowa State University and Dr. Nancy Flores with New Mexico State University are the featured speakers for the Spring 2017 Current Issues in Nutrition program. Online presentations will be available by March 20, 2017, 

Course image Current Issues in Nutrition: Public Trust in Human Nutrition Research
Food and Nutrition

Current Issues in Nutrition

Despite advances in the scientific knowledge of nutrition over the past century, there is still mistrust of nutrition recommendations by the public. Media and social media amplify this mistrust by oversimplifying complex nutritional science findings or simply promoting nutrition misinformation. The 50th Current Issues in Nutrition Program will provide an overview of current research in human nutrition, ways practitioners can build and maintain public trust in that research, and resources available to help the public navigate nutrition recommendations amid concerns about government and industry bias. Featured speakers will include Dr. Woteki, who previously served as the Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is currently a Professor at Iowa State University and Ms. Sylvia Rowe, past president and chief executive office of International Food Information Council and currently with SR Strategy.

View the online presentations beginning March 20. All registered participants will be emailed viewing instructions when the presentations are available. Participate in the interactive online Q&A session on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CDT.