Course image 2025 (Feb-June) Essentials Child Care Preservice Online Series
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

The Essentials Child Care Preservice Series provides useful information for creating safe and healthy early childhood and school-age care environments. This series also includes helpful information on child development and homelessness. Receive up to 11.5 hours of professional development credit and a certificate for each module completed.  This is a free, self-paced course

Self-Enrollment is Available: Click on the course name to self-enroll. You will need an i-PoWeR account to complete this course. 

Questions: Email the I-Learn ECE Help Desk at

Course image 2024-2025 Universal Precautions for Iowa Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Learn ways to prevent the risk of infection in child care and how to protect yourself and others using Universal Precautions. Discover how to access, develop and use an Exposure Control Plan; a requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  This is a free, 1-hour self-paced course. 

Self-Enrollment is Available: Click on the course name to self-enroll. You will need an i-PoWeR account to complete this course. 

Questions: Please email the I-Learn ECE Helpdesk at

Course image 2024 (Spanish) Universal Precautions for Iowa Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Precauciones universales en español para profesionales de la primera infancia y la edad escolar de Iowa 2024

En el curso Precauciones universales en español, aprenderá formas de prevenir el riesgo de infección en el cuidado infantil y cómo protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás utilizando las precauciones universales. Descubra cómo acceder, desarrollar y utilizar un plan de control de la exposición, uno de los requisitos de la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA).

Inscríbase en este curso gratuito, de 1 hora de duración y que puede realizar a su propio ritmo en el sitio web de i-PoWeR

Si tiene preguntas sobre este curso, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a I-Learn ECE Help Desk a:



Course image 2024-2029 Iowa Early Learning Standards 3rd edition Orientation
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Receive a detailed overview of the Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS) 3rd edition Orientation. Learn how to use the IELS to plan developmentally appropriate activities and lesson plans. Discover why the IELS is important to impact child development. This is a free, self-paced 2-hour course. 

Self-Enrollment is Available: Click on the course name to self-enroll. You will need an i-PoWeR account to complete this course. 

Certificate Renewal: If you have already taken the IELS 3rd edition Orientation, IQ4K only requires you to take it once. After 5 years, you can retake the course for 2 hours of professional development credit. 

Questions: Please email the I-Learn ECE Helpdesk at

Course image 2023-2024 Universal Precautions for Iowa Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

THIS COURSE IS CLOSED FOR NEW ENROLLMENT: This course remains available for those enrolled or to replace a lost or missing certificate. Click on the course name/link to enter the course.

Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at 

Course image 2021-2025 Essentials Child Care Preservice Online Series
Early Childhood Education / Child Care


  • This course remains available for those enrolled or to replace a lost or missing certificate. 
  • Click on the course name/link to enter the course.
  • In response to a request from our funders, Iowa Health and Human Services, Module 1o has been removed from the Essentials Series. The 30-minute professional development credit is no longer required to meet HHS licensing or registration requirements. 

Questions: Email the I-Learn ECE Helpdesk at

Course image Passport to Early Childhood Education: Teacher and Staff Orientation
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Passport to Early Childhood Education: Teacher and Staff Orientation for teachers and staff, introduces the basic skills and knowledge to teach and care for children in center-based programs.  Teachers quickly learn how to support early learning, build positive relationships, and ensure children’s health and safety. This self-paced curriculum can be implemented immediately and is designed to easily fit within busy schedules. Program administrators are encouraged to work with teachers and staff to align the Passport to ECE Orientation with their specific program policies and state guidelines

Register for this free course through the i-Power website. 

Questions: Email Shannon Wilson at

Course image Passport to Early Childhood Education for Program Administrators
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Passport to Early Childhood Education for Program Administrators provides supervisors with practical, real-world strategies to guide and support teachers and staff. Learn how to share your goals and vision for children and families and instill a sense of meaning and purpose. Refine your skills as a coach and mentor. Discover how to give effective feedback, challenge growth and nurture ongoing professionalism.

  • 3-week course 
  • Quick video mini-lessons that easily fit within busy schedules. 
  • Chat discussions with other program administrators 
  • Useful handouts and resources 
  • 6-hours professional development credit 
  • NAC approved 
  • Instructor: Shannon Wilson M.S. 

Register for this free course through the i-Power website

Questions: Email Shannon Wilson at

Course image 2019-2024 Iowa Early Learning Standards 3rd edition Orientation
Early Childhood Education / Child Care


Renewal of Certificate:

  • You only need to complete this course once for IQ4K requirements. You don't need to renew your certificate every five years. 
  • If it has been five years since you completed this course, you can self-enroll in the 2024-2029 Iowa Early Learning Standards 3rd edition course to receive 2 hours of professional development. 

Certificates/Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at 

Course image Medication Administration Skills Competency ONLINE (2023-2027 edition)
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

Part 1. This free 2-hour, self-paced course is designed for Early Care and Education (ECE) providers and staff who give medications to children while in child care. Learn the principles and skills needed to safely administer medications to children, such as oral medications, eye drops, ear drops, nebulizer treatments, inhalers, and epinephrine pens.
Part 2. Complete the Initial In-Person (Skills) Test-Out within 30 days of course completion.
Part 3. Reassessment In-Person (Skills) Test-Out after 2 years to retain your certification.

Register for this course on i-PoWeR and review the course eligibility requirements.

Questions: Contact Deb Gimer at

Course image Discover Early Learning Series
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

The Discover Early Learning Series provides basic skills and knowledge to support young children’s early learning in Art, Music and Movement, Math, Blocks, Science, Dramatic Play, and Literacy. Each module addresses safety considerations, developmentally appropriate learning opportunities, adult-child interaction strategies, and how to prepare the learning environment. Modules are free, self-paced, and fit easily within busy schedules. Content closely aligns with the Environment Rating Scale Quality Indicators®.

Self-Enrollment is Available: Click on the course name to self-enroll. You will need an i-PoWeR account to complete this course. 

Questions: Email Mona Berkey at

Course image 2022-2023 Universal Precautions for Iowa Early Childhood and School-age Professionals
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

THIS COURSE IS CLOSED: This course remains available for those who are enrolled in order to complete the course or replace a lost or missing certificate. Click on the blue course name/link to enter the course.

Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at 

Course image 2017-2021 Essentials Child Care Preservice Online Series
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

THIS COURSE IS CLOSED FOR NEW ENROLLMENT: This course remains available for those who completed the course in 2017-2021 and may need to replace a lost or missing certificate. Click on the red course name/link to enter the course.

Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at 

Course image 2021-2022 Universal Precautions for Iowa Early Childhood and School-age Professionals
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

THIS COURSE IS CLOSED: This course remains available for those who need to complete the course or have previously taken the course and may need to replace a lost or missing certificate. Click on the blue course name/link to enter the course.

Certificate Renewal: If you need to renew your certificate, please self-enroll in the 2022-2023 Universal Precautions course.  

Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at

Course image 2016 Essentials Child Care Preservice Online Series
Early Childhood Education / Child Care

THIS COURSE IS CLOSED FOR NEW ENROLLMENT.  It does remain available for those who have completed the course and need to replace a lost or missing certificate.  Click on the red course name/link to enter the course. 

Questions: Contact Mona Berkey at