4-H logoFor all the latest information on 4-H and Youth Development programs and events please visit: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/

صورة المساق Animal U - Beef

This is a free course for youth to learn more about the Beef Cattle Industry.   If you do not have an account on our Moodle system, please select login and create a new account. 

صورة المساق Iowa 4-H Sewing Enthusiasts January 2023

This course is part of the Iowa 4-H Enthusiasts: Clothing and Sewing Program.

Contact Brenda Welch, bwelch@iastate.edu, if you have questions on enrollment.

صورة المساق Ida County 4-H Treasurer's Training

This course will require an enrollment key and is restricted to Ida County Extension 4-H Club Treasurers. 

صورة المساق Crops Feed the World Lessons

Iowa 4-H Crops Feed the World Lessons are designed to teach youth in grades 4 through 12 about the exciting world of crop sciences and crop production. Starting with an appreciation of what crops and farmers do for us and ending with a deeper understanding of the biology, study and production of crop plants. After going through all the lessons and doing lots of activities youth will become crops experts!


  • A lesson plan 
  • An online and interactive learning module on the topic 
  • Directions for two (or more) hands-on activities 
  • Directions for next steps to continue learning, find more experiences, and apply learning 

صورة المساق 4-H Youth Development Staff Training

This course is a professional development resource for Iowa 4-H youth development staff. Current training curriculum that is relevant for all staff will be shared here.