Imagen del curso 8 - Finance
Public Employees Leadership Institute

Course Description

Budgeting in public sector organizations occurs in a very public environment which is sometimes plagued by political overtones and myopic thinking. Simply said, the budget process, is the planned acquisition and allocation of an organization’s financial, human and capital resources. The fact that these resources are limited is a major challenge to those policy makers and managers who work to allocate them optimally. Striking a balance between the effective and efficient delivery of responsive services and the long-term development and preservation of the organization’s economic base is indeed a difficult task. Add to that the influence of societal values and political powers, and the road to a final course of action can be very rough, with many potholes along the way.

Objectives: At the completion of this module participants will be able to:

  • Understand the types of budgets and their relationship
  • List the stages of a budget cycle and activities involved
  • Discuss techniques associated with forecasting budget amounts
  • Identify the purpose of a purchasing management system
  • Discuss concepts and terms associated with inventory and asset management
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing through contracts of other agencies

This is a paid course and enrollment is through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Registration Services.